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Scheduling available M-F 9am-4pm
You get an 30 minutes per session of our trainer's undivided attention. This also allows us to address any specific challenges that aren't covered in the curriculum, time permitting.
12 Sessions
30 minutes per Session
Sessions are ideally spaced at twice per week. However, private training allows for flexibility of scheduling to allow for "Life to happen".
Understanding canine body language
Success Stations
Teaching your dog to relax
Guided interactions
Inclusion of dog into life with baby
Congratulations! So you will soon be adding a new member of the human variety to your family. This is a time of excitement, wonder, preparation, and sheer terror at times.
Take a deep breath- you are going through the typical emotions of every expectant parent.
Because preparation is such a big part of this process, you wonder if you are forgetting anything. The fact that you are reading about this program shows that you care about your canine charge, and want to make sure that you take the necessary steps to mitigate any issues once baby arrives.
Good for you!
Your pup will have NO idea what hit it. While you are busy adapting to your new chapter in life as a new parent, your dog will also have to do some major adjusting. He will be baffled by the tiny bundle that screams, poops, and is carried around by you 24/7. (No, I'm not really exaggerating. It is round-the-clock with new infants. But take heart, this particular phase really is temporary). But yes, your dog will wonder what you are up to and why he's not getting the attention he's used to.
Then baby will start to get mobile, and now puppy will be under attack by a curious, clumsy infant. Who likes to pull the fur, the tail, the ears, and poke eyes. Oh, and this creature drools more than a hungry St. Bernard! (You may want to load up on bibs for when teething starts...) And did I forget to mention the squeals that are emitted for no apparent reason? And then your dog will try to move out of the way of this tiny explorer, only to cause the baby to tumble to the floor, resulting in even more noise, now in the form of wails.
And after this, it gets complicated, what with crawling, unstable walking, and sharing of snacks.
Face it- your dog is going to need your help.
The Waggers and Diapers℠ program will help you take the necessary steps to prepare you and your dog for the arrival of your bundle of joy. Using the program from Family Paws Parent Education, it will also help you understand some of the changes that will most likely come your way, and how they will affect the routine that you currently have with your pup.
This isn't babyproofing your dog. That's because your dog will always be a dog. This is about helping you, as the parents, understand how to best change your routine so that your baby and your dog can enjoy each other safely, while making sure that your pup understands how to respond to you once baby comes home.
There is much to do, so the sooner you can start to prepare you dog, the better off you will all be. Keep in mind that your pup thrives on routines, so the longer you have her "rehearsing" the appropriate behaviors prior to baby arriving, the less stressed she will be, making the transition to this new phase in all your lives that much easier.
Set yourself and your dog up for success! Call or email us today!